OBC Fedn demands reservations for non-tribal communities in recruitment of talathis, forest guards

     GADCHIROLI, July 6 - ADELEGATION of the National OBC Federation met chairman of the National Commission for Backward Classes Hansraj Ahir at the circuit house here and submitted a memoran- dum regarding injustice done to all non-tribal communities including OBCs in the ongo- ing recruitment of talathi and forest guards.

OBC Fedn demands reservations for non-tribal communities in recruitment of talathis forest guards     The delegation demanded that the recruitment of these posts be done as per revised GRS issued by the State Government giving due reser- vation to the OBCs and other non-tribal categories in PESA villages. Minister Dharmarao Baba Atram, MP Ashok Nete, MLAS Dr Devrao Holi and Krishna Gajbe, had submitted a memorandum in this regard few days ago to the Chief Minister, Deputy Chief Minister, Revenue Minister, Forest Minister and Chief Secretary through Gadchiroli Collector, but till now no action has been taken by the govern- ment in this regard, pointed out the delegation.

     The non-tribals did not get a single position in the new recruitment advertised by the Revenue and Forest Department of Maharashtra Government for the post of talathi and forest guard. The said recruitment is being done according to the ordinance of June 9, 2014, and all the posts are to be filled from Scheduled Tribes, informed the delega- tion. Hansraj Ahir saw this advertisement and said that the Chief Minister should order cancelation of the advertise- ment immediately and to pub- lish a new advertisement according to government deci- sion of August 28, 2023, and implement said recruitment process. On this occasion, he assured the OBC delegation that he would immediately hold a meeting with the Maharashtra government.

     Ashok Nete, MP, MLAs Dr Devrao Holi and Krishna Gajbe, Prof. Sheshrao Yelekar, Vice President of OBC Mahasangh, Prof. Ramesh Barsagade, Bhaskar Bure, Ashish Pipre, Sunil Pardhi, District President Dadaji Choudhary, BJP General Secretary Prashant Waghre Baburao Kohle, Ramesh Bhu- rse, Satish MLA of Congress, Prabhakar Wasekar, Vinayak Bandurkar, Pandurang Ghote- kar, Prof Devanand Kamdi, Dr Suresh Ladke, Suresh Bhand- ekar, Chandrakant Shivankar, Rahul Bhandekar, Sangita Navghade, Aishwarya Ladke, S Dudhiware, Dadaji Chapel, V Bhandekar, B Zade, Sangeeta Revatkar, Dudhiware, Vijay Vairagade and others were pres- ent on this occasion.

Satyashodhak, obc, Mahatma phule, dr Babasaheb Ambedkar, Bahujan, Mandal commission
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